Category: Uncategorized
Collected Works, vol. 7: Studies in Semantics released
Volume 7 of the Collected Works of Rudolf Carnap was released by Oxford University Press UK in June, and will be available in the rest of the world on July 18 (Amazon US | UK | CA | DE). It contains Carnap’s Studies in Semantics, a series of three interlocking books: Introduction to Semantics (1942),…
Collected Works, vol. 1: Early Writings now out!
From today, the long-awaited first volume of Oxford’s 14-volume edition of the Collected Writings of Rudolf Carnap is finally available from OUP directly and Amazon [US][CA][UK][DE] (although some the Amazon sites other than the UK still only list it as available for pre-order). A preview of the book is available on Google Books. It’s been…
New publisher for the Collected Works of Rudolf Carnap
We are happy to report that the Collected Works of Rudolf Carnap, previously to appear with Open Court Publishing Company, will now be published by Oxford University Press. Details of the publication schedule, the timing of particular volumes, and other matters will be forthcoming soon, and the first volumes should begin appearing this calendar year. We…