An enthusiastic letter about Sweden that was privately published in a Sera-Kreis booklet in 1914. This and the next item can each claim, from different points of view, to be regarded as Carnap’s first publication. Neither is included in our edition, which begins with Carnap’s first unambiguously public appearance in print, in 1918.
An open letter Carnap wrote from the front in 1916 against the conservative religious views of Eduard LeSeur, a Berlin cleric.
A working draft of a transcription by Brigitta Arden and Brigitte Parakenings of Carnap’s diaries up to 1935, produced by Christian Damböck‘s research project “Historical-Critical Edition of Sources from the Nachlass of Rudolf Carnap.”
A large number of Carnap family photos (this collection partially overlaps with the collection in the Carnap Papers at Pitt).